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thermotron former employee




Robert Wiley

May 30th 1931 – Jan 11th 2013

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old mcDonald
January 2nd 2014

Did You Know Old MacDonald Was a bad speller

Did You Know – There is an oldest trick in the book

November 21st 2013

i was trained by thomas patterson at thermotron, He replaced Bob Wiley as a National Service Manager..

My Review stated i need to spend more time in a “Bar” with john Tenbrink, and David Durham, and get into the game by false-a-ing my time .. 2-fit-in..

Dick alverson said “he knew john and dave were lying about their co-workers, because he ws their on that job.” and he knew their “GAME”

When i worked with him again at Russles Technical Products.. he instructed me that “after you lie,cheat, and defraud” the 1st 500 people it gets easer..

i quit there after Bill Bench told me it didn’t matter if the equipment worked or not, my job was to just “deceive the customer and get them to sign -off-on-the-equipment!!.. Guess what the Character of bill bench is ??? DUH ???

This is the requirement to FIT-IN- and work at ESPEC chamber company— bob wiley and john tenbrink proved that 2-B- the type of person they hire.

When marty rich worked with john tenbrink at ESPEC, john would lead him astray, then run behind his back , and “rat-him-out” in the effort to “Look-Good”

Bob Wiley being a liar and a drunk, would believe john tenbrinks lies.

oh bob wiley did tell his “inner” circle that “it was OK 2 lie about what ‘s going on” so long as they didn’t get him in “trouble”

ron wiley told me that the family story was that Bob Wiley started the company ESPEC chamber company, that it was a “spin-off” of Sexton Industries

November 20th 2013

Tragedy & Stupid Preachers

This clip is taken from the sermon, “Jesus and Repentance” preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll at the Mars Hill Church Ballard campus in Seattle, Washington on November 21, 2010. It is the 56th sermon in our sermon series on the Gospel of Luke.

thomas bannach
November 19th 2013

yes bob wiley taught me evry thing i knew– with out Good old bob i– would nut have been employed– i tried working another job in california — but learned that i did not have any skills– i only useful at thermotron – because i can change solionids, in test chambers – and install port holes

john tenbrink
November 7th 2013

well — old bob was as smart as a fox– and he gave me a job at thermotron– and i stayed connected with him to stay employed until i got to envirtronics

Way[ne & Donna Tripp
January 16th 2013

Having known you as a personal friend since1953, it is difficult to say good bye, at least for the time being. We had some

great times hunting in God’s wonderful out of doors. Because

of my wife Dona having Marian as her best friend, this made

our friendship even more meaningful and we had great

Christian social times together. You were gifted by our Lord

in so many many ways and you used them unselfishly. You are a Brother in Christ, and not even physical death can separte

us from the Love of Jesus Christ.

Debra Braly
January 15th 2013

In Loving Memory of Bob Wiley-

A Prayer from St. Ambrose of Milan:

Lord God, I pray to you, do not separate me after death from those i have tenderly loved on earth. Grant that where I am they may be with me, and that i may enjoy their presence in heaven after being so deprived of it on earth. Lord God,I ask you to receive your beloved children immediately into your heart. After this brief life on earth, give them eternal happinesss. -Amen

Robert Wiley

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